
Storytelling in Marketing

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Shubhi Kotiya
Shubhi Kotiya
CxO / Board, Germany

Storytelling in Marketing

The marketer is a story builder and story teller. Being able to 'market' our strategic plans internally is as critical a skill as to acquire clients externally via stories in advertising and promotion. Compelling narratives foster collaboration, communicate vision and values, inspire and motivate people, and prepare them for what's to come.

The Red Thread Tool
The Red Thread tool is a visual storytelling model that helps one to summarize the thought process, logic, and flow of any strategic or tactical plan.

  • BUSINESS CHALLENGE AND FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES: Understand the business, your brand's role in the portfolio, and financial goals. Use situation analysis and other strategy tools to study context, category, competition, consumer, channel and company. Identify the facts and consequences of these factors on business. Quantify the financial objectives.
  • KEY ISSUES: Identify the areas that will drive revenue growth. Use tools like SWOT in this step. Aligning Key Issues means the whole business agrees on the focus for marketing activity.
  • MUST WIN MOMENTS IN CUSTOMER JOURNEY: Pinpoint the key moments along the journey where we need to focus. Identify and prioritize using segmentation techniques and customer journey.
  • CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS (CSFs): Identify the critical implications for achieving our goals. Use the Bridge tool and Get (What) To (Achieve What) By (Tactic) Tool.
  • STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME CSF BARRIERS: How we'll overcome the barriers identified in our Critical Success Factors formulates the key strategies.
  • PERSONAS AND TRIGGER POINTS: Define Personality of your customer segment, identify the trigger points to align tactical matrix to the trigger points. Tactical matrix when implemented will help you achieve bigger picture as framed in strategies.
  • KPIS TO TRACK AND OPTIMIZE TACTICS: Every tactic should have monitoring KPIs, to track the ROI.
  • EXCELLENCE IN EXECUTION: How you ensure all the stakeholders are aligned to the bigger plan. No matter how good a strategy is, but if not executed well, it can prove disastrous for a brand.
The red thread tool also helps to ensure our story or plan is linear and takes the listener through a logical communication of our strategy.
In planning, the red thread moves the user from the challenge a business is facing to key issues, must win moments and critical success factors – as a way of setting up the logic for our strategies.

If we keep the red thread tool in mind while creating our strategies, we can create compelling stories around the brands.
Source: Corporate training 'Marketing Plan Development'


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  Oarabile Kabelo
Oarabile Kabelo
Student (Other)

Use of Stories in Marketing

Marketing is key to bringing the clientele to your organisation; by giving them a picture or red thread story of what your firm might be about and that on its own will make potential customers come.
I have been working for a certain varsity for a long time, doing marketing. Everytime during application time teams used to just sent out to the market without any road map or plan. Without any proper communication or read thread story. So I started to invest more in strategic marketing. Everytime my team now goes out I always make sure we have a map or plan to follow. I also make sure that my team is well equipped with all knowledge and resource. This has helped us to always perform better than all teams.

We had been trying to teach senior management our plan for a long time and they weren't interested. But now, due to our outstanding performance, yhey have called us to come and teach everyone how we have been doing things.


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More on Storytelling
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Applications of Story Telling. Usages in Business
🔥 How to Prepare for Writing a Clear and Compelling Organizational Story? Tips
topic Fundamentals of Storytelling - Basics
topic Fake News and Storytelling Ethics
topic Cases of Storytelling | Storytelling Cases
topic What are the Disadvantages of Storytelling?
topic Why Storytelling is So Powerful
topic Story Telling and Organizational Learning
topic Books on Professional Storytelling
topic Storytelling in Childhood
👀Storytelling in Marketing
topic Subjectivity in Storytelling: Storyselling
topic What is Storytelling - Definitions
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