
Continuous Improvement is a Lifestyle

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Continuous Quality Improvement



Stefania Di Cristofalo
Stefania Di Cristofalo
Coach, Italy

Continuous Improvement is a Lifestyle

🔥 I do believe that everybody is much more than he thinks to be, that’s why development & improvement are to me not only a paradigm for people, processes and technologies: it is a lifestyle.
In my professional life, I've been playing many different roles in the IT world; the lesson I learned the most is: whatever situation you face, your thoughts about yourself, your believes about your context, drive your actions and build your world.
As Yoga trainer and Bio-energetic exercises conductor, I found that agility comes with mindfulness and mindfulness is the mean to connect to everything.
That’s why I think agile and resilient organizations are those who develop everybody’s awareness as a part of a living-working-entity where collaboration rises from inspired human beings.


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  Charles Alter
Charles Alter
Consultant, United States

Deming Cycle is a Lifestyle

Very well said, Stefania. Your connection between an individual's efforts to be mindful and improve however they can via yoga and other activities, to organizations is dead on.
Taken a step further, the commitment to continuous improvement / PDSA can really help organizations of any size or type avoid the dysfunction that is always lurking within any entity.

Manager, Sri Lanka

Continuous Improvement is a Life Style

I do agree with Stefania as for as an individual concern, but when we are involved in team work or when we work with other people, we need to think about the others' skill and requirements too.
Then only the reality will match with our life style and we can see real development.

Student (University), India

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

The philosophy of improvise, adapt and overcome is popularized by social media platforms and although it is often used to a comic effect, it regardless holds true. Most of the things we learn cannot be directly applied to real world problems. So often we have to improvise with what we've got, then adapt ourselves to face the problem, and finally solve it.


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More on Continuous Quality Improvement
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Kanban / Kaizen / JIT Manufacturing does not Work in the USA
topic What are Quality Circles?
topic Risks and Challenges in applying the Deming Cycle
topic Deming / Nelson Funnel Experiment
topic Deming Cycle Supports Growth of Organisations
topic Deming Cycle is a Spiral
topic How can We Put Deming's PDCA Theory in to Practice?
topic PDCA and ISO 9001 Standard
topic Deming / Shewhart Cycle Works Well
topic PDCA + Fayol's Theory + PMBOK
topic View & Review (PDSA) in Management
👀Continuous Improvement is a Lifestyle
topic Investors in People - IiP
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Continuous Quality Improvement

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