
How can you Motivate Knowledge Workers?

Knowledge Center

Expectancy Theory

Best Practices


Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

How can you Motivate Knowledge Workers?

In the current 'knowledge era', the question what motivates knowledge workers, and, being a manager, how you should motivate and manage them is important.
In their article "The Progress of Small Wins" in HBR May 2011, Professor Theresa M. Amabile and researcher Steven J. Kramer are reporting interesting findings and formulate a principle.
By the way, this principle reminded me strongly of above summarized Expectancy Theory (1964) of Victor Vroom (the article itself does not mention this).
According to Amabile and Kramer what motivates knowledge workers is surprisingly simple: the sense of making progress in meaningful work (they call this the Progress Principle). They describe it in the following way: "Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work. And the more frequently people experience that sense of progress, the more likely they are to be creatively productive in the long run."

In this Progress Principle, 3 elements are important:
1. Sense (similar to Vroom's Expectancy)
2. Making Progress (similar to Vroom's Instrumentality)
3. Meaningful (similar to Vroom's Valence)
According to the authors 'this sense of making progress is fundamental to human nature, but few managers understand it or know how to leverage progress to boost motivation'. This while even limited progress (or lack thereof) can already boost (or decrease) morale and engagement and make them more (or less) productive!
Chances are that you, being a member of 12manage, are managing several or even many knowledge workers. What should you do? Quite simply: support this progress. How?
This part of the article I liked most. Interestingly, the authors distinguish between:
- 'Catalysts' (actions that support work): setting clear goals, allowing autonomy, providing enough resources and time, helping with the work, openly learning from problems and successes, and allowing a free exchange of ideas. Beware of the negative counterpart of catalysts, 'Inhibitors', such as failing to provide support and actively interfering with the work.
- 'Nourishers' (actions that support the person): respect, recognition, encouragement, emotional comfort, opportunities for affiliation. Beware of the negative counterpart of nourishers, 'Toxins', such as disrespect, discouragement, disregard for emotions, and interpersonal conflict.


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  G.J. Bouwman
G.J. Bouwman
Business Consultant, Netherlands

Knowledge Workers Motivate Themselves

A Dutch book I like is "Leidinggeven aan professionals? Niet doen." (Ed: Leading professionals? Don't.) written by Mathieu Weggeman. What I like is that it mentions that knowledge workers are motivated by themselves.
He also writes about the time knowledge is valueable, called half-live (halfwaarde tijd).
For me it is important that I can do projects which help me to get more knowledge, reach goals. And important: not to get bored with useless rules.

  Gustavo Ruiz
Gustavo Ruiz
HR Consultant, Spain

Bucks and Rush on Motivating Knowledge Workers

Where is the money? Many knowledge workers tell the boss: "show me the money". This is one of the unknown (yet well known) factors.
Another one (in my opinion) deals with the outcome speed. Young workers within the IT industry seem to be quite eager about "the bucks". Specially when come to talk about search for talent, money and rush are extremely important nowadays, perhaps more than when Vroom formulate his model (1964). Greetings.

  Nelson Hernandez Manso
Nelson Hernandez Manso, Spain

Be a Leader..

If somebody ask for the money, don't take it. I am with Bouwman: knowledge raise, power in company.. "To boldy go an alpha manager". Use the last 3 levels of Mazlov pyramid.

Manager, Brazil

The Candle Experiment

In this video Dan Pink says for 21st century tasks, the mechanistic, reward-and-punishment approach doesn't work, and often does harm.
In short, Pink says there is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does. And here is what science knows about motivation:
1. Those 20th century rewards, those motivators we think are a natural part of business, do work, but only in a surprisingly narrow band of circumstances.
2. Those if-then rewards often destroy creativity.
3. The secret to high performance isn't rewards and punishments, but that unseen intrinsic drive. The drive to do things for their own sake. The drive to do things cause they matter.
I believe it is very relevant to this discussion.

  barhoumi chawki
barhoumi chawki, France

Motivation of Knowledge Workers

If we understand the expectancies of (knowledge) workers, we can realize the objectives of the firm.

  Madan Gopal Agarwal
Madan Gopal Agarwal
Business Consultant, India

There is Nothing like Self-motivation

Firstly, many workers are knowledge workers, so the scope is very wide.
Secondly, there is nothing like 'self-motivation'. Is there any case study (even a single one) to prove that workers were found motivated even when outcome was contrary to their expectations?
Thirdly, expectations of every worker are unique and specific.
Initial motivation of a worker depends upon his/her expectation of the outcome. If the outcome matches (or does not match) the expectation, motivation increases (or decreases). Therefore, to motivate any worker, his/her 'specific' expected outcome has to be understood and fulfilled. This is the only way to motivate him/her.

  Mrs c usha rani
Mrs c usha rani
Professor, India

Motivational Factors

Knowledge, attitude and hard work are key terms for success. In addition to these, spiritual management such as allowing employees to express their inner feeling is very important. If employees are really in need of job automatically other things automatically will come on its own way. Every employee should have commitment regarding work. Employee should have fear of punishment. Otherwise they will take everything for granted.
Having 26 years of experience in both teaching and industrial experience I can say that out of 10 (approximately) staff members only 3 or 4 workers may work sincerely. Of the remaining, 2 or 3 may work because there is no other alternative to earn money. The remaining 2 or 3 just pass their time. Except money they don't bother about targets at work place.
360 degrees feedback is one of the best solution to motivate and manage knowledge workers. Quality, freedom at work are also important factors to manage and motivate knowledge workers.

  Daniel Carriere
Daniel Carriere
Project Manager, Netherlands

Intrinsic Motivation is Possible

Higher educated people are very able to motivate themselves. You as their leader should facilitate in enabling self motivation and taking control over themselves....

Professor, India

Vrooms Theory and Motivating Knowledge Workers

This entire thing about motivation smells of that Theory X belief. I think it is a fictional thing. There is only being focused in life and excelling. In such a mode of living motivation is non-existe...

  joko triyono
joko triyono
Director, Indonesia

The Art of Being a Leader

Vroom's theory is more specific than Maslow or Herzberg. We can apply it effectively with a direct subordinate by knowing individually what they expect, what are the indicators / parameters of achiev...

  farhadjabeen Shaikh
farhadjabeen Shaikh

Career Enhancement

I believe knowledge workers always want more from their work, more autonomy, variety, and challenges. A knowledge worker will move if he does not find opportunities to enhance his career. Career devel...

  Alexander N. Raikov
Alexander N. Raikov
Director, Russian Federation

Group Lobbing as a Motivation

Money and rush are important nowadays for knowledge creation. But they are only a necessary condition. Immaterial motivation is much more important. It may consist of: scientist reputation, image and...

  Tony Nasirembe
Tony Nasirembe
Management Consultant, Kenya

Motivating Knowledge Workers

In a knowledge worker environment, motivation is driven by empowerment and release. Control and punishment are inhibitors of motivation. Recognition of talent and abilities, encouragement and mentorin...

Professor, India

Balance Between Body, Mind and Soul

It is immaterial whether one is a knowledge worker or a skilled worker. Basically he or she is an individual made up of three components namely body, mind and soul. Most of the time we look at the ph...

  Per Ola Post
Per Ola Post, Sweden

Cultural Factors in Motivating Knowledge Workers

Very often we face books written in the US explaining how the human behaviour is. I am often struck by the fact that cultural dimensions are not taken into consideration. The fact is: what is motivati...

Accountant, Nigeria

Motivation for Result

A motivated staff member, driven by his needs, will no doubt be a productive employee. Managers need to identify these factors. When aligned to the emotional quotient of the employee this will produce...

  Inna Borodina
Inna Borodina
Russian Federation

Distinguish Stimulus and Motive

Motive is not the same as a stimulus. Money is a stimulus. A motive is a "real" perpetuum mobile. It is a system with feedback....

  Jacob Andrews
Jacob Andrews
Entrepreneur, United Arab Emirates

Motivation Differs for Everyone

There is no single universally accepted definition of motivation. It is a state of mind and it differs for everyone. Hence every manager struggles in the following areas of motivation: - How to mak...

  J. D. Popham
J. D. Popham, China

How Can You Motivate Workers?

Background: I teach, in English, a management course & an intro stats course to Chinese students at a tier 2 univ. In China. I start off with a ppt outlining my "mission statement" (to make them the b...

  Natarajan Ramanathan
Natarajan Ramanathan, India

Motivating Knowledge Workers

Due to space constraints, let me just put bullet points: A. Knowledge is like water - it will go and accumulate at the lowest point. That is something the management needs to know - management's job ...

  Nelson Hernandez Manso
Nelson Hernandez Manso, Spain

Then... Managing is an Art

Wonderful! A lot of knowledge, a lot of people to understand and motivate, including the manager. I agree, strongly with C. Usha and Popham. Country culture matters! And the bullet list. Remember, t...

  David J. MacCoy
David J. MacCoy
Management Consultant, Canada

Fostering the Context, Rewards and Recognition

Knowledge workers from information technology, financial services, scientific research, engineering and health services are largely self-motivated, but the CONTEXT in which they work is critical. Man...

Director, Spain

Motivating Knowledge Workers

There are approximately 17 theories on motivation. The expectancy theory of Vroom is one of the five Theories of the Processes, in addition to the theories of Adams, Folger and Lreenberg, Locke and B...

  Miguel S. Cordovez
Miguel S. Cordovez, Philippines

Motivation of a Knowledge Worker

Provide a clear and definitive motive or reason to take action....

  bliss ogbanga
bliss ogbanga, Nigeria

Extrinsic Motivation

The varying shades of opinions from different contributors on Vroom's expectancy theory make the debate an interest reading. Indeed I am benefited. I support the view that most people are motivated or...

  David Whitfield
David Whitfield, United States

6 Sources of (Individual) Motivation

From reading Wlodkowski and McGregor, I believe motivation is owned by the individual; it comes from within. Motivation stems from need. If I have a need to eat, love, or whatever, I will become moti...

Entrepreneur, United States

How Can You Motivate Workers?

People do need to be nourished as Editor included, to be inspired as Bliss indicated, ultimately "achieving" by finding personal fulfillment in the work they are doing. Knowledge workers must not be ...

  Lloyd Madzokere
Lloyd Madzokere
Student (Other), Zimbabwe

Motivation of Knowledge Workers

Knowledge workers can be motivated by the work environment and the business culture of the organisation....

Entrepreneur, United States

Motivation of Knowledge Workers

Yes, the work environment is a major motivating factor, in addition to the business culture of the organization. Reasonable expectations based on strategic workflow enhances relationship building. The...

Director, Spain

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

The real reinforcement is the positive one, because it is the only thing that makes people feel special. Positive reinforcements act constructively engaging. Happy people create things and have no pro...

  Gary Wong
Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

Knowledge Workers are Motivated to Live, Love, Learn, and Leave a Legacy

@Dr Ramakrishnan: In 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we add Heart to Body, Mind, and Soul. Stephen Covey talks about 4 basic needs: physiological, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We strive to l...

Entrepreneur, United States

Heart Relates to Body, Mind, and Soul and Reducing Toxins and Inhibitors

@Gary Wong: I found your comments interesting, particularly the leave a legacy, spiritual intelligence. I think that spiritual intelligence can be interpreted in many different ways... Was considering...

  Gary Wong
Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

Making a Contribution as a Source of Motivation

@Kathryn Pawley Steiner: I like your connection of the Heart with eliminating toxins and inhibitors, the things that we need to overcome in a relationship in order to Love. While some people will con...

Management Consultant, Australia

Circular Arguments and Impossible Demands on Managers... Again!

@Madan Gopal Agarwal: Yes and this task is huge and the capacities for managers to do this are largely absent. Most people do not know their own motivations. How are managers expected to know them. W...

Entrepreneur, United States

Motivating Knowledge Workers is Applicable to my Current Project

The manager on our new project has been asking what motivates me, making this discussion immediately relevant. The elements Jaap has included from the HBR article work together to foster success, for ...

  Ralph Cagna
Ralph Cagna
Entrepreneur, United States

Provide Climate for Motivation

@Jacob Andrews: As a former military officer, we were exposed to several theories of leadership and motivation in our pre-commissioning training. After synthesizing everything, I have come to believe...

Director, Spain

Provide the Climate for Motivation

@Ralph Cagna: I am thoroughly agreeing with you. A leader or manager may create special conditions in order to help people to do something, but THEY are the ones who have to act, to put the shoulder t...


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More on Expectancy Theory
Summary Discussion Topics
👀How can you Motivate Knowledge Workers?
topic What Motivates Employees? The Answer Depends (Partly) on their Generation
topic All 3 Elements in Expectancy Theory are Mandatory
topic Why People Want to Become Leaders? Motivations to Lead
topic Misunderstandings About Motivation
topic Motivation in Non-Profit Organizations
topic Is your Job Meaningful?
🔥 How to Deal with Demotivated Employees: Learned Helplessness
topic Controlling the Minds of Employees
topic Extended Version of the Expectancy Theory (Lambright)
topic What Precisely is Expectancy? Definition
topic Motivating an Employee by Valence
topic Expectancy Theory versus Human Needs?
topic Effort Leads to Performance, But Only to a Certain Extent
topic Human Motivation Lies Within
topic What Precisely is Valence? Definition of Valence
topic Measuring Motivation:The PIAV Assessment
topic Motivation is Owned by the Individual
topic Motivation Should be a Two-way Process
topic Problems with Expectancy Theory. Disadvantages
topic Identify your Passion for Success
topic The Importance of the Goals in Motivating Workers
Special Interest Group

More on Expectancy Theory
Summary Discussion Topics
👀How can you Motivate Knowledge Workers?
topic What Motivates Employees? The Answer Depends (Partly) on their Generation
topic All 3 Elements in Expectancy Theory are Mandatory
topic Why People Want to Become Leaders? Motivations to Lead
topic Misunderstandings About Motivation
topic Motivation in Non-Profit Organizations
topic Is your Job Meaningful?
🔥 How to Deal with Demotivated Employees: Learned Helplessness
topic Controlling the Minds of Employees
topic Extended Version of the Expectancy Theory (Lambright)
topic What Precisely is Expectancy? Definition
topic Motivating an Employee by Valence
topic Expectancy Theory versus Human Needs?
topic Effort Leads to Performance, But Only to a Certain Extent
topic Human Motivation Lies Within
topic What Precisely is Valence? Definition of Valence
topic Measuring Motivation:The PIAV Assessment
topic Motivation is Owned by the Individual
topic Motivation Should be a Two-way Process
topic Problems with Expectancy Theory. Disadvantages
topic Identify your Passion for Success
topic The Importance of the Goals in Motivating Workers
Special Interest Group
Knowledge Center

Expectancy Theory

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