
7S Modellen av McKinsey


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Vad är 7-S ramverket?

7-S ramverket av McKinsey är en ledningsmodell som beskriver 7 faktorer för att organisera ett företag utifrån ett holistiskt och effektfullt sätt. Tillsammans bestämmer dessa faktorer sättet som ett företaget opererar på. Chefer bör ta i beaktande alla sju av dessa faktorer för att vara säkra på ett lyckat genomförande av en strategi. Stor eller liten. De är alla beroende av varandra, så om du missar att ge uppmärksamhet till ett av dem, kan detta även komma att påverka alla de andra. Ovanpå detta kan den relativa betydelsen av varje faktor variera med tiden.

Ursprunget till 7-S ramverket. Historia

7-S ramverket nämndes först i tidskriften "Business Horizons" i en artikel "Structure Is Not Organization" av Robert H. Waterman, Thomas J. Peters och Julien R. Phillips i juni 1980. Den visades också i den kända boken”In Search of Excellence” av Peters och Waterman och togs upp som ett grundläggande verktyg av det globala management konsultföretaget McKinsey. Sedan dess är den bekant som deras 7-S modell.

Innebörden med de 7 S:n

McKinsey 7-S ramverket

Shared Values/Gemensamma värderingar och Kultur (som också kallas Det överordnande målen).

Det förenande centrat i McKinsey modellen är: Gemensamma värderingar. Vad gör organisationen, vad står den för och vad har den tilltro till. Kultur och attityder. Jämför: Strategisk Intention, Strategisk Avsikt Hamel och Prahalad


Planer för allokeringen av de knappa resurserna i ett företag, över tiden, för att uppnå de identifierade målen. Miljö konkurrens, kunder.


På det sätt som organisationens enheter relaterar till varandra: centraliserade funktionella uppdelningar (topp-styrning); decentraliserat; en matris, en nätverksstruktur, en koncern, etc.


Tillvägagångssätt, processer, system och rutinerna som karakteriserar hur arbete görs: finansiella system; rekrytera, befordran och prestationsvärderingsystem; informationssystem.


Antal och typer av personal inom organisationen.


Kulturella stilen i organisation och hur nyckelchefer agerar för att uppnå organisationens mål. Jämför: Management stilar.


Utmärkande kapaciteter hos personalen eller i organisation i sin helhet, kompetens. Jämför: Core Competences.

Styrkorna med 7-S modellen . Fördelar

  • Diagnostiskt verktyg för att få en djupare förståelse av organisationer och vad som är ineffektivt eller inte fungerar så väl.
  • Vägleder organisatoriska förändringar.
  • Kombinerar på ett förståndigt sätt hårda elementen med de emotionella och mjuka beståndsdelarna.
  • Chefer måste agera på all S:n parallellt, och all S:n är besläktade med varandra.

Bok: Ethan M. Rasiel, Paul N. Friga - The McKinsey Mind: Understanding and Implementing the Problem Solving Tools and Management Techniques

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Forumdiskussioner om 7-S Ramverket.

ämne How to Link 7S Model with Leadership and Management
How do you link the 7 s framework with leadership and management. Because when discussing leadership and management most writers say leaders set the major objectives and strategies and managers will t...
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ämne Why are Shared Values in the Center of the 7S Model?
Why are Shared Values (or Superordinate Goals) in the center of McKinsey's 7S Model? Please help me... Thank you..^^....
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ämne Using McKinsey 7-S Model for Organizing Innovation
I am interested in the application of the 7-S model on organizing innovation structurally in a company. For instance: what are the choices available for each S, related to the environment of the comp...
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ämne Applications of the 7-S Framework
While some models of organizational effectiveness go in and out of fashion, one that has persisted is the McKinsey 7S framework. Developed in the early 1980s by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, two con...
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ämne Limiting choice of 'S' in 7S Framework?
While reading for my management course, I couldn't help but wonder if the choice of an alphabet limits the scope and skews the interpretation of a model. When formulating a model, how easy / difficult...
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ämne Communication in the 7S Model of McKinsey
How do you link the 7S Model to problems related to communication in an organization?...
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ämne McKinsey 7S in Fast Changing Environment: A DYNAMIC 7S Model?
Given that the business environment is changing all the time, what are the strengths and weaknesses of using the 7S Model in an organisation? Is it necessary to update McKinsey’s model for current vo...
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ämne 7-s Model as Basis for a Project Audit
Could McKinsey's 7-s model be used as a standard/norm for auditing control over projects in organizations. Anyone with experience on this matter?...
Kommentarer5 kommentarer
ämne Does the 7-S Model still holds true today?
Does the 7-S Model still holds true in today's business environment? Companies are increasing outsourcing their functions, and headquarters are only becoming a virtual company. Look at a company like ...
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ämne Extra S-es in the 7S Framework by McKinsey
I was able to utlize the 7S model very effectively to conduct the assessment of the state of the public health system for my research thesis. However, the model was limited in coverage of other critic...
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ämne CDOCi Acronym | CDOCi Tool
You can combine 7S analysis with a method called "CDOCi": A way of reviewing a strategy or project by getting a team of people to write down their perspectives on the: - C - Current situation - D -...
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ämne Google and its Success with 7S
Hi I am an MBA student and I need to write an assignment about Google's success. How can I explain its success with 7S framework? Any ideas? Thanks a lot....
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ämne Involving Staff in 7-S Framework
Implementing the 7-S can be challenging especially without the buying in of staff and management. How can these people best be involved for a swift strategic change?...
Kommentarer4 kommentarer
ämne Applying the 7 S Framework. Implementation
I believe the 7's is very difficult to implement at the ORGANIZATION level. So if we would be able to implement the HARD S's i.e., Strategy, Structure and System that would be more then enough for a c...
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ämne The 7 S Model is an Architectural Tool for Strategy and Management
When you analyze the components of the 7 S Model, you can understand that it is a sober meta-model. It is giant, open, flexible, elegant, diagnosing, analyzing, exploring, scrutinizing the process of ...
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ämne McKinsey 7-S Historic Background
I am doing a presentation on the 7-S framework and was wondering if anyone knew the first time it was successfully implemented and by who? Any other interesting ideas are welcomed as well....
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ämne Changes in Shared Values and Staff
The values of the organisation may change over time with changes of personnel entering the organisation from the outside. Especially in a growing company a few things happen quickly: 1. Advent of fre...
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ämne One More S: Solidarity
I think this is a sound model but Solidarity is missing in this model. It should be the 8S model. Solidarity is a concept of oneness. See the concepts of Dr. Abdullah Alama Muhammad Iqbal which has be...
Kommentarer7 kommentarer
ämne 7S X 7S Matrix: Tracking the Mutual Congruency of the 7S Elements
I have used the 7S for organisational assessment and analysis. I used it in a 7x7 matrix to check the S's for coherence as whether Structure supports Strategy and so on. This analysis highlights the ...
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ämne Weisbord's Six Box Model
Serving as a framework for assessing organizational effectiveness, the Six Box Model was developed by American business analyst Marvin R. Weisbord. It offers a comprehensive view of an organization, f...
ämne Measuring the Scores on each S of the 7S Framework
Hello all, have there been parameters developed to measure and/or track the 7 elements of the McKinsey 7S framework in detail?...
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🥇 Competitive Edge with 7S Model?
(How) Can a firm achieve a competitive advantage with the 7S framework? For me its the shared values and style that make up the competitive advantage of a company. It spells what it really is as an o...
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🥈 7 S model in the Post Merger Phase
I'm a Masters student looking at the post merger phase of a university. How can I apply the 7 S model in studying the post merger phase? Please assist....
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🥉 Guiding a Change Program with 7-S Model
How can the 7-S model be used to inform or guide a change program?...
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Praktiska Implementeringstips


7S Checklist with Questions for Each S

Firm Analysis, Organizational Analysis
Here's a list of questions you can use to analyze an organization in terms of the 7S Framework: STRATEGY: - What is ou...

Categorizing the S-es in McKinsey's 7-S Model

Strategy, Strategic Change, 7S Implementation
The seven S's can be broken down into: - 3 Hard S-es (Strategy, Structure and Systems) which are relatively easy to ide...

How to Identify Potential Problem Areas in 7S?

Strategy, Strategic Change, 7S Implementation
You can create a 7S Confrontation Matrix with all 7 S-es listed both horizontally and vertically. In the cells or inters...

Improved 8S Framework for Strategy Execution

Strategy, Strategic Change, 7S Implementation
As the business environment becomes more complex and more changeful, James M. Higgins suggests the introduction of the ‘...

Olika informationskällor om 7-S Ramverket. Här hittar du powerpoints, videor, nyheter etc. som du kan använda i dina egna föreläsningar och workshops.


Original Article Introducing the 7S Framework

History of 7S Framework
The 1980 Business Horizons article "Structure is Not Organization " by Robert H. Waterman, Jr., Thomas J. Peters and Jul...

McKinsey's Approach to Problem Solving

Consultancy, Organizational Analysis and Change
Presentation about some of McKinsey's thoughts on problem solving, thereby including the 7S-model of McKinsey. Besides t...

7-S Framework

Analyzing the state of an organization
Presentation about the 7S framework....


Användbara verktyg angående 7-S Ramverket.













Jämför 7S Modellen med: Orsaksmässigaa modell av det organisatorisk resultat och förändring  |  Ashridge Missionsmodell  |  Strategisk Samordnading  |  McKinsey Matrisen

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